Contact Marina Rumiantceva

Contact Me

I am excited to help you with web design & development and digital marketing. If you need a new website, want to improve an existing one, or need help getting more people to see your site or social media channels, I am here to help. I speak both English and Russian.

I work online with clients from most countries, so it does not matter where you are. I also meet clients in person in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada.

You can contact me by sending an email or by filling out a form, all in one easy step. Let us work together to make your project a success.

Stay Connected

I am excited to connect with you on social media. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Google Business Profile to stay updated with the latest news and insights. Let us grow together!

Client Support

If you are my client, I am here for technical support, consultations, or emergency assistance. Your success and satisfaction are my top priorities. Reach out for support now!

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